Congratulations to the successful applicants:
Institution: Oregon State University
PI: Shanta Shamsunnahar
Title: Cetacean bycatch: Understanding socio-psychological factors to instigate behavioral change
Institution: Khmer Ocean Life
Co-PIs: Rose Ellis, Sarah Tubbs
Title: Conserving Cambodia’s marine mammals: a nationwide bycatch assessment and initiation of a marine mammal stranding network
Institution: Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Cape Coast
PI: Joseph Sefah Debrah
Title: Sustaining cetacean by-catch reduction in Ghana through upscaling monitoring of landings, deepening fisher Engagement, and promoting policy
Institution: Pro Delphinus
PI: Joanna Alfaro Shigueto
Title: Estimating bycatch rates and abundance of small cetaceans in Pucusana, Peru, to guide management and conservation initiatives
Featured Bycatch Species
The Endangered black-browed albatross is threatened throughout its range by commercial fisheries bycatch, primarily from longline vessels.