Bycatch News
The European Cetacean Society has released the proceedings of a workshop entitled: "Use of pathology to better inform the welfare impact assessment of bycatch and entanglements". Click on this link to read and download the report:
Several environmental groups are calling for the use of bycatch reduction devices to reduce diamondback terrapin bycatch in Virginia crab pot fisheries.
Here is the Press Release:
A one month cessation of fishing, including the provision of 80% ib lost revenues to fishermen, resulted in keeping the industry alive while reducing thousands of dolphin deaths.
See this press coverage of the story:
We are sad to belatedly report on the death of one of the founding members of the Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction: Professor Kenneth Baldwin of the University of New Hampshire.
For information and application instructins please see:
Click here for infoon the position and application instructions:
Please see the sad news of the passing of friend and colleague, Finn Larsen, Finn was an imporant collaborator on the Bycatch Consortium's work on gillnet catch.
Peruvian NGO Pro-delphinus has completed its report on Burrmeister's porpoise and other small cetaceans, supported under the NOAA Fisheries Grant to the Bycatch Consortium "Global Fund for Marine Mammal Bycatch Solutions."
Documented whale entanglements and the abundance of whales in the fishing zone prompted State officials to delay the start of the season.
This publication is intended to improve how fisheries can build and maintain digitable traceability into their operations.