Seabird bycatch mitigation and blue-dyed bait: A spectral and experimental assessment

Cocking, L.J., Double, M.C., Milburn, P.J.
Journal/Publisher Name
Biological Conservation
Volume (Issue #)
Page #s
Contact information
Lisa Cocking
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston, Tasmania 7050, Australia

The use of blue-dyed squid bait on pelagic longlines was tested to determine its ability to reduce both surface and subsurface interactions with seabirds.  In addition, blue-dyed fish bait was tested for its ability to reduce seabird strikes at the surface. Blue-dyed squid bait reduced seabird interactions by 68% compared to non-dyed squid bait when the longline was submerged, and only 3-8% of the blue-dyed squid bait were struck at the surface, compared to 75-98% of non-dyed squid bait.  Around 48% of blue-dyed fish bait was struck at the surface during the first two days of the trial, and 90% were struck over the last three days of the trial.