Hoppers in Australian Trawl Fisheries - A handbook for fishers

Ocean Watch Australia
Journal/Publisher Name
Fisheries Research Development Corporation Australian Government
Volume (Issue #)
Contact information
Fisheries Research Development Corporation
Locked Bag 222
Deakin West ACT 2600
+61 7 2 6285 0400

This Handbook aims to:detail the design, operation and use of hoppers (back deck water tanks/sorting devices) in trawl fisheries across Australia;enable the sharing of industry knowledge on hoppers amongst fishers from all Australian trawl fisheries;provide readily accessible information to fishers on the use and application of hoppers;>facilitate the broader adoption among trawl fisheries of best practice use of hoppers. In fisheries where hoppers are not yet widely used but may be useful, help stimulate the development and uptake of new and suitable hopper designs; and provide a tool to inform and educate the general community, fisheries and environmental managers about the initiatives developed and adopted by Australian trawl fisheries to reduce the impacts of trawling on the aquatic environment, and to work towards achieving sustainable operating practices and improved economic efficiency.This handbook is primarily a technical handbook for fishers. It is also however, a useful resource for others interested in the environmental management of Australian trawl fisheries.